
Baltic Sea 22.7 - 3.8.2014

Baltic Sea 

Photos from the Baltic, beautiful as always. We got wind at last and had good sailing after Visby. Kimmo flew to Prag from Gotlad and the rest of the crew members enjoyed the wind after the calm season. Three thunder storm fronts followed us during our sail to Cristiansö. We had  the second reef in the main and surfed with good speed on the waves. Our young crew (future Captain) wanted to have a break between the continuing thunder storms. That gave us a visit in former East Germany archipelago. We even landed on a sand bank in the midde of fairway and got a tow from a harbour tug. Erich Honeckers folks had made a huge process of building the beautifull archipelago in to a tourist trap for German boats. We did not have detailed maps and only visited Hiddensee.