
Leg 2. planning the route 22.02.2015

Crew and LEGGERS For the Canaries - Cabo Verde  open for this spring 2015.

Atlantic Crossing and Brasil east coast from Recife downwards later this year and beginning of next year 2016.

Now is the time to start planing a good and a warm leg for yourself. We are watching the weather for this spring. Hope it stays good and w´ll start sailing to Madeira, Canaries and Cabo Verde.

We also have an alternative route down to Cabo de St Vicente and further to some harbors in Marocco in Africa. Further to Canaries and Cabo Verde.

W´ll have about 70 Nm distance to Lisboa.
Lisboa - Cabo de Sao Vicente 115 Nm.
Cabo Sao Vicente - Madeira 460 Nm.
Madeira - Canaries 243 Nm
Canaries - Mindelo cabo Verde 820 Nm.
Cap Verde - Isla da Noronha 1315 Nm.

On S/y Naneux´s maiden voyage 1988 we hear a salute:  Sail like the wind on many oceans and with every possible weather!

Leg 1. we followed the routes of the famous northern Vikings. We sailed from the white nights in the archipelago of Turku to Nazare in Portugal. We sailed in the spirit of Viking blood. Brave and fearless respecting the old seamen traditions. We explored the two islands of Gotland and Christiansö in the Baltic followed the routes of the old Hansa traders to Friesland. The Bretagne coasts and Galichia.

Vikings from the northern white nights enter Magellans famous routes to the southern glaciers

Leg 2. we are going to sail the routes of Ferdinand Magalhaes. Sailing from the South -Westermost part of Portugal. First following the African coast to the Canaries and Cabo Verde. Further on leg three over the Atlantic ocean to Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la Plata.

Here some slides and IPad films of the first leg!

Slideshow of Leg 1:   S/y Naneux Leg 1 Slideshow

IPad films of Leg 1: S/y Naneux IPad film Leg 1.

Our ships Position today:  http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/shipid:1015309/imo:0/mmsi:230066340/vessel:NANEUX

On Leg 2 we are saling first to Lisboa to the famous statue of the discoveries where we meet Henry the Navigator who is looking at the horizon.

Ruta del Magallanes:  http://www.casamerica.es/?q=cine%2Fla-v

Tuulikarttaa: http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-22.77,16.22,512

Tässä S/y Mantan blogi joka purjehtii parhaillaan Punta Arenasista Kap Hornille päin Magellanin salmia.
Tuulta odotettavissa kunhan pääsevät Tyynenmeren puolelle. Hieno Blogi johon he ovat myös keränneet eri veneiden linkkeja, jotka purjehtivat samoilla vesillä.  http://manta2013.blogspot.fi/p/blog-page.html
Blogissa myös S/y Dyssel, 41 jalkainen Swan jonka tapasimme Brestissä matkalla Kanarialle. Lisäksi muta tuttuja myös!

Tuulet ovat alkuvuodesta rauhallisia Brasilian koillis nurkassa. Tänä vuonna taas syysmyrskyt ovat alkaneet Tulimaassa etuaikaan, eli siellä jo loppukesästä. ( Maaliskuun alku )

The skipper is now starting to get a new crew meeting for the new rookies for the Leg nr. 2 starting early aprill 2015.
Some changes also concerning my daughters sailing plans which she will tell herself later on these pages.
My old friend from the past student days Pertti is sailing with me. As a shade of grey hair on our shoulders we do not stick strictly to any sailing plan. We take the freedom and opportunity to take a sailing plan that suits us. The gentlemen sailors with a shade of grey.
We have been talking about studying the Atlantic coast to the Huelva where Magalhaes left from Rio Guadalquivir to the" Nueva Continente". Also Marocco is locking us with its Riff mountains and the history where Arab countries of Magreb ends to the Atlantic Ocean. The mosque of Hassan II on Casablanca beach is still unexperienced.
Also our new sailing friends Pive and Kyösti have given us positive comments of the North African coast in Marocco.  Their sailing trip to the Atlantic islands 2012 -2013 produced a wonderful book: "Atlantin Viemää" with beautiful aquarelles painted by the Artist Pive.  http://taidevayla.nettisivut.fi/
The most important is the lattitudes that we are sailing now, restfull days in a warm climate.

The photograph is from the page: Bateau Vintage
Linked under This is it
This is it!